Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fairly Godmother's Community Service Event

Dave and Rene Spallina run the FairlyGodmothers of Rochester program. Its a wonderful program offering prom dresses to communities less fortunate. The Cobras BU15 was asked to providing community service on Saturday March 5th @ (former DSW behind Marketplace Mall). The boys, and I might add, some parents and coaches were there bright and early @ 9:30 AM to volunteer there time to get the 2011 program underway.  The boys did a great service and as you can see had a blast getting into it, not the event but their prom dress.
This was a great opportunity for the boys to gain community service credits for school, and also get involved in a event with our Cobras team outside the soccer field and build team unity, as well as be good ambassadors of the game.